
- Daruma Artists - MAIN LIST


People, Persons featured in the
Daruma Museum - Daruma Art and Artists


Asti, Sergio and his Daruma Design (Sergio Asti)
セルジョ・アスティ. Italian Design

Basho and Haiku 松尾芭蕉の俳句 Matsuo Basho (Matsuo Bashoo)
..... Basho Daruma ! 芭蕉 だるま ... ... Illustrations

Bull, David Bull Woodblock Printmaker

Bunsen, Woodblock Master ... around 1831

Busen sensei - Paintings Gallery

Busshi 仏師 ... - Buddhist sculptors Gallery

Darumagama だるま窯 Daruma Kiln and Maruyama Kenichi 丸山憲一 

Enku 円空 <> Master Carver Enku san

Eric Royal, Artist

Escher and Daruma <> The illusions of M.C.Escher

Fukuda Kodoojin 福田古道人 Fukuda Kodojin (1865-1944)
Painter and Haiku Poet

Fukuda, Prime Minister Fukuda福田首相 as a rice cracker character

Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩

Gyuumei san 牛鳴さんのだるま <> Paintings of Mr. Gyumei

Hakuin Ekaku ... 白隠 慧鶴 Hakuin Zenji

Hamada Shooji 浜田庄司 <> Mashiko Potter and Mingei
..... More Darumasan-Japan.. the story continues

Helen Hyde and Daruma Prints (Hanga 版画)

Hokusai, Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎

Hoonen Shoonin and Pure Land Buddhism法然上人.
Honen Shonin, Saint Honen

Hoshino, Rachel Hoshino, Brazil

Inoue Hisashi  井上久 and Japanese Humanism

Issa and Daruma Haiku Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶とだるまの俳画

Ito Jakuchu 伊藤若冲 Painter. (1716-1800)

Kaneda Sekijo 金田石城 Kaneda Sekijoo Calligrapher

Kanzan and Jittoku 寒山と拾得 (Han Shan and Shi-De)

Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 . Samurai and Daruma Kite from Kagawa

Katsukawa Shunzan 勝川春山 Woodblock prints

Kawai Toshiaki 河合豊彰 and Origami Daruma 折り紙

Kawanabe Kyosai (Kawanabe Gyoosai, Kyoosai) 河鍋暁斎.
Painter, (1831-1889)

Kawasaki Kyosen 川崎巨泉(1877-1942)
... 5000 Sketches of Japanese Folk Art

Kitagawa Utamaro .. 喜多川歌麿(1753~1806年)

Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Koyasan 高野山

Kobori Enshuu 小堀遠州 Garden Designer

Konoe Nobutada 近衛信尹 Painter. (1565 - 1614)

Kuniyoshi, Utagawa Kuniyoshi ...歌川国芳 ... (1797 - April 14, 1861). Woodblock print

Kuya Shonin 空也上人 Kuuya Shoonin, Saint Kuya

Laurence of Arabia ... Dubai Dolls

Lafcadio Hearn 小泉八雲とだるま
Lafcardio Hearn, Koizumi Yakumo (Yagumo)

Maekawa Senpan 前川千帆 Woodblockprints

A.J. Manzanedo (Artworks)

Mamiya Eiju (1871-1945) Painter

Maririn マリリンモンロー Marilyn Monroe

McFarland Yoshiko Artist

Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる and Gegege ゲゲゲ monsters

Mito Komon, Koomon 水戸黄門 Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀

Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 Miyamoto Musashi and Daruma

Mori Family of Sculptors - Mori Chookoku Sho 森彫刻所

Munakata Shiko 棟方志功 (1903 - 1975) woodblock artist

Nagai Yasuo 永井康夫 Laquer Tableware

Nagarjuna 龍樹 Ryuuju and the Middle Way

Naito Meisetsu 内藤鳴雪 Haiku Poet. (1847 - 1926)

Nakagawa Kazumasa 中川一政 Painter (1893 - 1991)

Nantenboo 南天坊 Zen Priest and his Paintings

Niko Shodou
Callilgrapher from Hungary

Ono Katsuhiko (Oono Katsuhiko) 大野勝彦 A painter without hands

Oribe, Furuta Oribe 古田織部 Potter (1544 -1615).

. People and Pilgrims .

Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu  千利休  and the tea ceremony

Ryokan san 良寛さん (Ryookan) Tamashima Daruma 玉島だるま

Sabieru ザビエル Saint Francis Xavier, 聖ザビエル

Saeki Toshio 佐伯俊男 erotic art

Saigyoo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms The Poet Saigyo

Sakamoto Ryoma 坂本竜馬 (Ryooma)

Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村 and Shogun Daruma 武将達磨
. . . . . Sanada himo 真田紐 Sanada-himo ribbon or cord

Santooka 種田山頭火 Taneda Santoka, Poet
..... Shinjin Datsuraku and the Begging Bowl

Sengai Gibon せんがい 仙厓義梵 <> Sengai and Zen and a Frog

Shibata, Kyoko Shibata 柴田恭子 Gallery of handmade dolls

Shichiruido Tenkei 七類堂天谿 Painter

Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 (1851 - 1913) Woodblock prints of Toys

Shogun Daruma (Shoogun Daruma) 武将達磨
Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村, Naoe Kanetsugu 直江兼続
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 

Shotoku Taishi and Daruma (Shootoku Daishi) 聖徳太子とだるま

Sokrates meets Daruma

Tada Toshiko 多田敏子 Potter from Ishikawa

Tagami Kikusha 田上菊舎 Haiku poet and painter. (1753 - 1826)

Taisen Deshimaru Zen teacher in France

Takamatsu Toshitsugu 高松寿嗣 Master of Martial Arts

Tanaka Iichiro 田中偉一郎 Drop-eyed Daruma. Artwork

Tanchu Terayama and Zen Calligraphy: Hitsuzendo

Tani Bunchoo 谷文晁 Tani Buncho (1763 - 1841) and Shirakawa Daruma

Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康

Tsuchiya Koitsu 土屋こういつ <> Woodblock Prints

Utagawa Shigenobu 歌川重宣(Hiroshige II 二代歌川広重)

Yamamoto Kansuke 山本勘助だるま鈴 Samurai.
(1501 – October 18, 1561)
Yamamoto Yaeko (1845-1932) 山本八重子

Yokoyama Taikan 横山大観 (1868 - 1958)

Yukawa Shoodoo 湯川松堂 Yukawa Shodo - (1868 - ? ) Daruma painter


More people featured in the Daruma Museum

. Fellow Pilgrims .
Artists, saints, samurai . . .

. Japanese Haiku Poets .




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